Thursday, April 21, 2011

Articles about Quadratics, Sound and Cation Exchange Capacity

I have a few more articles published in eHow on a range of topics.  The first is about computing the Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) for soils.  I have used this number to estimate heavy metal and nutrient uptake for soils in conjunction with on-site sewage disposal systems.  The CEC along with Percent Base Saturation also has use in determining soil fertility and how best to apply nutrients to the soil.

How to Calculate CEC in MEQ/100 GMS

 The next article is about computation of the sound velocity in metals.  Although not used very much in everyday life, this property of solids has found a lot of use in manufacturing, especially quality control of refractory metals and ceramics. OF course, the computation of sound velocity is very important in the study of geology and earthquakes.

How to Calculate Sonic Velocity in Metals 

The final article (for now) has to do with the uses of quadratic functions in the real world.  These functions have broad application to a variety of topics and areas of study. I just chose a few that are not normally discussed in algebra class word problems.

Quadratics in the Real World 


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How to Install a rainbarrel

Rain barrels are becoming a popular way to conserve water, by storing rain water for alter use, and not using good drinking water just to water plants.  Here is an article I wrote on installing rain barrels:

How to Catch and Store Rain Water

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Find the Square Root of Rational Numbers

If you have any square roots to find, throw away your calculator and do them by hand! As Pythagoras used to say, "I don't need no stinking abacus!".
How to find the Square Root of Rational Numbers
The method of approximations discussed in  the article also can be used in computer programming to speed up the computation of graphics, as there are many square root calculations which can significantly slow graphic and physic engines. Many times the calculation only needs to be to one decimal place accuracy to place a point on the screen.

Friday, April 8, 2011

More articles published in eHow

I recently had two more articles published.  The first has to do with water pollution.

The three types of water pollution.

The second has to do with wind power.

The drawbacks to vertical wind turbines.

Thanks for coming by and reading my work, I hope you find it useful.