Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Google Earth on Linux

You would think that Google of all people would make an application that would be dead easy to install and run on Linux.  Well, it runs, but there have been issues for me with Ubuntu 10.04.  Seems to me it was much better under Linux Mint x64 when I was using that last year.

Kind of crazy that it installs and runs with a shell script.  And does not turn up in the Ubuntu Gnome menu, I had to track down the starting script in the Opt folder.  Ran from the Mint menu before now.  Also, has crashed on me twice clicking Panorama pics. 

I had to switch to Ubuntu 32 bit to write programs with Netbeans, which gave me all kinds of problems in the 64 bit OS.   At least the flash viewer is supported in 32 bit, as the 64 bit one seems to dropped off the Adobe site.

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